
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Orange and Honey Rhubarb Jam

I look forward to cooking with rhubarb every year.  A couple years ago I transplanted my rhubarb patch and on this second year, it's settling into its new home beautifully!

This rhubarb jam (or sauce, if you serve it warm) cooks up in a quick ten minutes and is just perfect.  Serve it over cake, ice cream, yogurt, name it.  Yum!

Orange and Honey Rhubarb Jam
Makes one cup.  Multiply everything equally for a bigger batch.

2 1/2 cups rhubarb stalks, cut into a 1/4 inch dice
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon orange zest
1/4 cup water

In a medium skillet, stir all ingredients together over medium-high heat.  Bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes or until you can scrape a spatula across the bottom of the pan and the area remains clean of juice.

If the juice spills quickly into the space, continue cooking and checking often.  Remove from heat and place a little of the liquid on a spoon.  Place the spoon in the freezer for a couple minutes and check the texture of the liquid.  If it's gelled up yet still soft, it's perfect.  If it's soupy wet, return the sauce to the heat and cook for a couple minutes at a time, retesting and always removing from the heat while testing.

Serve warm as a sauce, or chill completely for a spreadable jam.



  1. This one is interesting, i never tried cooking with Rhubarb and as i read your recipe, I'm kinda excited to try. Thank you.

  2. I need to have a rhubarb plant in my garden... Your jam looks absolutely delicious and easy! While out shopping today, I will keep and eye out for some fresh rhubarb. I want to try this. Have a wonderful weekend Hannah!

  3. Your jam looks wonderful!!! I love baking with rhubarb, and know that my great-grandmother used to make a famous rhubarb jam. I've never made any yet but have been wanting to make some too! Yours sounds fabulous!
