Friday, June 22, 2012

Party Food on a Moving Train

Steve and I volunteered at another Duluth Art Institute event a couple weeks ago- this time on a fancy train as it moved up the north shore to the music of the Silk Sheiks!

This event was to honor the DAI's donors and there were about 30 people scheduled to attend.

As I usually do for a party this size, I planned 2 sweets and 2 savories:

Sweet Almond Nazook (which I spruced up with orange zest and nutmeg)

Peanut Butter Mousse in an edible chocolate tulip (mousse from Sprinkle Bakes)

Lemon Pepper Pita Chips with Dilled Tomato Raita (a variation of this post's recipes)

and a couple anti-pasti platters with pickled things, salted meat and fresh mozzarella

Drinks were provided courtesy of Cashwise Liquors in Duluth!

I love volunteering for the art institute for several reasons. I find the variety of people I meet there to be very interesting for various reasons, I love cooking for people, and I get to go to events I wouldn't otherwise be invited to because I'm fairly poor and I'm not a great artist. I also will likely never cook for a living so this gives me a chance to push myself in ways I find nowhere outside the Daring Bakers club.

Steve looks very docile in this photo but don't let him fool you! He spent most of the 2 hour trip hanging out of windows and pointing things out to the crowd with the enthusiasm of a school boy.

On the way home, Steve took the long way and drove us down to the tracks so he could find the lady slipper sighting that I had managed to miss when we flew by.

He had a vague notion of where they were so I drove slowly while he jogged along the edge of the woods. I said "I'll give you a mile" and promptly stopped the car when the ticker turned. And there they were at his feet!


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